:Trish and I have been on lockdown since the first of March, she a month earlier because of a health condition.
I am amazed at how well we have adapted. Fortunately we each have our own space, she in her sewing room or more likely at her desk in the kitchen and I in my “Lab” (grandson Patric’s name which stuck). She spends a lot of time on the Internet shopping and looking at things of interest to her. I do a lot of email with friends and have made great headway in organizing my video and image libraries.
I completed editing all of my bird trip videos with the help of Trevor Jackson, a young man who had recently graduated from San Diego State. All are available on my YouTube Channel at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4JVuogvAkBKQ8Q_GtOa2VQ/playlists and in this memoir website.
Included in this collection are 63 video programs of trips all over the world. I was drawn to the natural, scenic and cultural features of the places I visited, not just the birds. These programs are available to anyone and have received over 200,000 views.
Also included in my YouTube Channel are 47 programs of events and trips with family and friends which did not have a nature focus. These videos are also available on this memoir website.
Altogether, this collection comprises many of my more enjoyable and exciting moments.
My more recent focus has been organizing the photographs taken over 70 years including over 2000 scanned slides which go back 70+ years. I find that image-based programs are more difficult to organize in an interesting manner but have produced a few programs which are included in this memoir.
I have also enjoyed taking up the culinary arts. I have collected recipes for years but seldom cooked more than simple ones, such as microwaving scrambled eggs in a coffee cup. The self-quarantining has given me the opportunity to actually prepare some of the more complicated ones.
Updated, June 2021