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Spiritual Journey:

Southern Presbyterian upbringing: “Jesus Loves Me”, Bible stories, 1st Presbyterian Church of Atlanta Sunday School.

My father & I singing hymns in church; Ministers: Dr. Lyons, Dr. Gardner

Father a deacon & elder 

McCallie School; evangelists every 6 months. Finally turned me off on the heart of Christianity, its mysticism.

Harvard Chapel - Dr. George Buttrick, Chaplain & extraordinary preacher. You couples group, sometimes withPaul Tillich, giant theologian - moved my liberalization ahead.

Westchester Presbyterian men’s group - I didn’t fit in. Too Christian for me.

Houston: Memorial Presbyterian Church, Dr. Charlie Shedd, wonderful guy, great sermons

Atlanta conflict with my father over Sally and me joining a small “Northern” Presbyterian Church in Atlanta. I ended up caving in to Big Charlie and going back to the First Presbyterian Church. This led to my being open-minded when Dan McGurk called me and recruited me to Scientific Data Systems, a start-up in Santa Monica, where we joined a small Presbyterian Church in Pacific Palisades

Next to Darien, CT -  Presbyterian Church - big, traditional.

Back to LA and then to

Westport Unitarian Universalism Church - my final “conversion” to liberalism

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