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Gone with the Wind


My mother knew Margaret Mitchell, author of “Gone with the Wind”. They were not close friends but spoke occasionally. Mother was devastated when Ms. Mitchell was killed crossing Peachtree Road. So was much of Atlanta.

Release of the film in 1939 was the biggest thing that had happened in Atlanta since Sherman…I recall that my parents wert to the Grand Opening at the Lowes Grand Theatre downtown. In any event, someone close to our family took Charles and me to the celebration. Were at the side of the street when Cadillac convertibles came by with quite a passenger list: Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh, Olivia De Havilland, Leslie Howard and more.

Afraid that We were insensitive to the absence of Hattie McDaniel, who played the seminal role of “Mammy”.

The cars drove by us and down to the theatre. What a night!

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